
ramblings archive

KoalaOS albums singles soundcloud twitter

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this is an archive of random crap that i wanted to write about, with new posts around every week

whatever songs im really liking at the time of publication are also included

if you want me to make a playlist, dm me at NormalWorld#5064 on discord

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why does the dont get too close album cover look like an old ringtone commercial

look for the skrillex album in stores on november 13

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fun fact

on this day in 1980, voyager 1 took the first high-quality photos of saturn! cool, right?

saturn! totally not an upcoming song

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its the most wonderful time of the year

knowing mariah carey returned to the charts on halloween is very fitting

i am not mentally prepared for christmas music

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the british have arrived

the 1975: [happy sounding song]

also the 1975: this song is about a school shooting


(yet another) important update

good news: an endless void vol. 2 is most likely coming this year! after the release of vol. 2, there will be a compilation with both volumes and some extras. if you want to make a remix for this compilation, dm me at NormalWorld#5064

bad news: the side project i was working on most likely will be delayed due to the artist surrounding it now making anti-semitic comments

tl:dr; vol. 2 is going good, there will be a compilation with both an endless void volumes, and the side project is delayed

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rain, rain, and more rain

while the rest of the world is in a terrible drought, we are getting an extreme amount of rain

its gotten so bad, the bureau of meteorology just declared the THIRD la nina in a row

guess its time to become one with the water

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hey, hey apple, apple hey, hey

what ever happened to the annoying orange? like he just appeared and then dipped off the face of the earth after that tv show with tobuscus

and why are there videos with peppa pig and minecraft steve on the thumbnail

and what ever happened that time they tried to sell the first episode as an nft? they really fell off tbh

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while work has been progressing on aev volume 2, i've been preparing something else on the side

basically a "sorry" for not actually releasing anything major for the entire year

it'll come pretty soon, hopefully

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sometimes i wonder if people think before they create a discord server

and why did dj khaled think it was a good idea

the weirdest part in all of this is that all the mods are real discord mods

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dj set & music video

today i played another 30 min dj set at dischead jockeys, go check it out!

also, when life gives you a song with no bpm, add vines to it:

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5 in 1

you know what they say; god save the queen, but who will save the governor general the audacity?

im surprised scomo didnt swear himself in as the second coming of christ

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the sequel to the album known as "donda"

in light of the breakup of pete davidson and kim k, kanye had posted an image of a fake nyt newspaper on instagram

you gotta hand it to him, his pettiness about his beef with kid cudi is mildly funny

at this point im honestly more concerned than hyped about donda 2

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the year of 2062

its always interesting to see what people think the future will be like, especially if its super wrong

however it is extremely odd to know that george jetson was born on this day today

will we get robot maids, 3d printed food, and a 1950s esque lifestyle in the future? time will only tell...

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donda, a year on

UPDATE: screw kanye

as of today, it has been a year since donda's first listening party.

even though it's extremely bloated, i find it still a decent album

what started a year ago was a literal emotional rollercoaster, from prod. changes to a christian cgi character replacing kid cudi

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the british are coming

really excited for the 1975's next album

expecially because of the more folky sound

hopefully bfiafl isn't as bloated as noacf

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why audrey

that drake album is, uh, an album?

its an interesting drake album because its dance, but a bad dance album because its drake, his singing is pulling everything down

massive is a bop though

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short update

songs for the album are starting to be finished, one is completely done and one is almost done

trying to aim for around 6-7 songs atm, still not sure when vol. 2 will be done though

if you want a playlist, dm me on discord: NormalWorld#5064

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starting something new

just testing out a little window for random stuff like some cool songs i like or other things; mostly cool songs lmao

im still working on the album, its just taking very long to actually create the songs.

all of the art and promo material is done, but music (as always) is the hardest part.

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